Display Local and Remote Images in React Native
Images in React Native can be displayed with the built in Image component, which is similar the the img tag on the web. We’ll use Image to show both local images (included in the source of the app), and remote images (fetched from a web address).
High resolution images
We can specify higher resolution images for higher density screens by appending @2x or @3x to the image name.
.├── coffee.png├── coffee@2x.png└── coffee@3x.png
When importing the images, the @2x and @3x are excluded from the path, however the extension is required.
import coffee from '../images/coffee.png'
Displaying images
React Native's <Image /> component is used to display images - similar to the <img /> element in HTML. The source prop is used instead of src to specify the image's path.
When using a local image, the image is passed to the source prop, however, when loading a remote image - such as a URL - you must provide an object to source with a uri property.
import { Image } from 'react-native'import coffee from '../images/coffee.png'...<Image source={coffee} />
import { Image } from 'react-native'...<Image source={{ uri: 'https://good-coffee.com/coffee.png' }} />
Dimensions must be specified for the <Image /> component to display.
<Imagesource={coffee}style={styles.img}/>const styles = StyleSheet.create({img: {width: 200,height: 200,},})
👍If the dimensions aspect ratio is incorrect, the <Image /> component will automatically clip the image. This behavior can be overridden with the resizeMode prop.
<Imagesource={coffee}style={styles.img}resizeMode="contain"/>const styles = StyleSheet.create({img: {width: 200,height: 100,},})
New component
🤔<Image /> - used for displaying images.