Add Icons to a React Native App with React Native Vector Icons
There are many high quality icon libraries, so we’ll use an npm vector icon library to display svg icons in our application. This also requires a link step, which changes the underlying iOS and Android projects by linking the library to the native code.
React Native Vector Icons can be installed from NPM for access to over 3000 high res icons. Includes:
- AntDesign
- Entypo
- EvilIcons
- Feather
- FontAwesome
- FontAwesome 5
- Fontisto
- Foundation
- Ionicons
- MaterialIcons
- MaterialCommunityIcons
- Octicons
- Zocial
- SimpleLineIcons
npm i react-native-vector-icons
Must run react-native link after installation. Check other NPM installation pages for any custom requirements.
react-native link
Quit and rerun project anytime react-native link is run.