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Show a Spinner while Submitting a Form

Show a Spinner while Submitting a Form in React Native with ActivityIndicator

Once the user submits the form, we’ll take all the information in the text inputs and the camera image, and upload it to our HTTP server. While the data is uploading, we’ll show the native spinner, and disable the submit button so the user cannot click submit multiple times.

Loading spinners

👍When loading data from an API or another remote source, the request can take a significant amount of time. Loading spinners are a good way to communicate to the user that something is happening.

🤔The <ActivityIndicator /> component can show a spinner while content is loading or submitting. It can be provided a size and color prop, however, managing whether it is shown or not is done manually with state.

class MyComponent extends Component {
state = {
loading: true
componentDidMount() {
// 1. fetch some async stuff
// 2. then:
this.setState({ loading: false })
render() {
return (
? <ActivityIndicator size="large" color="0000ff">
: // some list of results

This will display the loading spinner when the component is first mounted and once the data is returned in componentDidMount it will set loading to false rendering the list of results instead.

In the above example we do not handle the unhappy path of an error occurring. This means the user would continue to see the loading spinner after the fetch request had failed, even though we are no longer loading data. The following demonstrates how this can be handled with axios.

componentDidMount() {
this.setState({ loading: true })
.then(() => { // handle happy path })
.catch(() => { // handle unhappy path })
.finally(() => this.setState({ loading: false }))

The .finally() branch will run regardless of whether the request succeeded or failed. Alternatively you could just ensure the code to set loading to false is present in both the .then() and .catch() branches.

A similar technique can be used with <ActivityIndicator /> after a form has been submitted. Keep in mind that other states need to be manually handled too - such as disabling a submit button after it is clicked.

New component

🤔<ActivityIndicator /> - used to display a loading spinner when loading or submitting data.

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