Requesting Permission to send notifications
We use Notification.requestPermission to ask the user if he/she wants to receive notifications from our website.
Notification.requestPermission(function() {if (Notification.permission === 'granted') {// user approved.// use of new Notification(...) syntax will now be successful} else if (Notification.permission === 'denied') {// user denied.} else { // Notification.permission === 'default'// user didn’t make a decision.// You can’t send notifications until they grant permission.}});
Since Firefox 47 The .requestPermission method can also return a promise when handling the user's decision for granting permission
Notification.requestPermission().then(function(permission) {if (!('permission' in Notification)) {Notification.permission = permission;}// you got permission !}, function(rejection) {// handle rejection here.});
Sending Notifications
After the user has approved a request for permission to send notifications, we can send a simple notification that says Heyto the user:
new Notification('Hey', { body: 'Hello, world!', icon: 'url to an .ico image' });
This will send a notification like this:
Hey Hello, world!
Closing a notification
You can close a notification by using the .close() method.
let notification = new Notification(title, options);// do some work, then close the notificationnotification.close()
You can utilize the setTimeout function to auto-close the notification sometime in the future.
let notification = new Notification(title, options);setTimeout(() => {notification.close()}, 5000);
The above code will spawn a notification and close it after 5 seconds
Notification events
The Notification API specifications support 2 events that can be fired by a Notification.
- The click event.
This event will run when you click on the notification body (excluding the closing X and the Notifications configuration button).
notification.onclick = function(event) {console.debug("you click me and this is my event object: ", event);}
- The error event
The notification will fire this event whenever something wrong will happen, like being unable to display
notification.onerror = function(event) {console.debug("There was an error: ", event);}
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